Remember…Do business with a member!
HBA of Craven & Pamlico Counties works to uphold professional business standards. Promotion of ethical practices benefits the building industry, the consumer and the community.
Legislative Representation
As your advocate in Raleigh and on Capitol Hill, The North Carolina Association of Home Builders constantly develops and supports positive legislation for the home building industry by providing technical assistance and expert testimony to lawmakers.
Membership Meetings
Share ideas and information with fellow builders and associates at your local HBA’s monthly meetings. Special programs are designed to educate, inform, inspire, and keep you up to date on trends in the housing industry. Whether you’re a builder or associate, you will find the contacts you make at association functions as well as the services provided to association members to be invaluable to your business.
Educational Programs
The Home Builders Association of Craven & Pamlico Counties sponsors year-round Graduate Builders Institute classes for the professional builder. At HBA’s Summer Convention and Fall Conference, builders and associate members can find a variety of general interest seminars, including topics such as OSHA regulations and building codes. The National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Annual Convention and Exposition in January offers members the opportunity to view and learn about new and innovative products for housing and to attend seminars on various aspects of the building industry and business management.
Monitor Regulatory Agencies and Councils
Several regulatory agencies – such as the Building Code Council, the Wildlife Resources Commission, and the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources – constantly make decisions and issue regulations affecting today’s building environment. The Home Builders Association of Craven & Pamlico Counties continuously monitors these agencies and testifies on behalf of the building industry, which keeps members informed.
Promoting the Industry
Local Home Builders Associations put the industry’s best foot forward with projects like new home showcases, parade of homes and community activities. The Home Builders Association of Craven & Pamlico Counties and NAHB are constantly disseminating information to the general public showing the advantages of building a home.
Special Resources
Your annual dues automatically enroll you as a member of your local HBA and both the State and National Associations. Services such as WESTLAW Legal Research, updates from the Housing Research Center, and articles in the Home Builders Association of Craven & Pamlico Counties’ Builder Review and NAHB’s Builder make you “the first to know” and give you a leg-up on competing non-members.
Golden Opportunities
Membership gives you the framework to become effectively involved in your industry and community. Whether you are interested in building codes, disaster relief, sales and marketing or community service, your association teams you with others having similar interests. Together, working on association committees, members utilize the collective impact and strength of an organized group.
Your home builders association has developed a nonpartisan political action committee that supports the elected officials and candidates who stand behind our industry. The BUILD-PAC committee makes sure donation dollars are wisely spent by constantly monitoring and assessing candidates’ policies on housing.